Follow Your Bliss

Follow your bliss, that phrase seems to be a directive, but how does one follow one's bliss?

Following one's bliss is about setting aside the ego self, and awakening to the Divine. "Follow Your Bliss" is discovering what authentic bliss is. Authentic bliss is not momentary or monetary. Authentic bliss makes no demands of anyone. Authentic bliss does not require fame or fortune. It is a gift that resides in each of us; and it is available in every moment. In the simplest of terms, bliss arises when your "ego" departs. Authentic bliss arises when one is in harmony with "what is." Authentic bliss arises when cravings and attachments have departed. Authentic bliss arises out of your passion for life and living.

The more you are passionately fervent about things that speak strongly to you, the more you might notice that you can use your zeal to affect positive change in the world. You might want to get involved in a cause or organization that is aligned with your interests and apply your energy toward bettering the life of someone else. Melding your desires with an activist spirit could motivate you to improve your community and it might also bring you closer to that part of yourself which is able to connect with the Divine and unconditionally care for others.

Don't ask so much what the world needs. Go out and do what makes you come alive, because what the world needs most are people who have come alive. Howard Thurman

Engaging in activities which draw from your passion gives you the strength, courage, and enthusiasm to change your life and the life of others in a positive way. When you feel deeply about a topic or issue, it will be easy for you to carry it forward. If you integrate your passion into compassionate acts, however, you show your ideas and beliefs to others by the examples you set, and not merely by the ideas you dream about. By using your passion, you will demonstrate the depth and profundity of your ideas as well as improve the lives of those around you.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.


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